Wednesday 29 April 2009


It's the social society at the moment (haha).


He's a big fan of Apple - just like his creator.


He sure loves his Doughnuts!!!

Monday 16 March 2009

Animated Cartoon dog

This is an animated dog I created using adobe photoshop, please e-mail me if you wish me to make you one!

Friday 13 March 2009


This is the first dog I drew on the computer.

Wednesday 11 March 2009


"Don't mess with this fella! He's a right 'ard nut!"


"Uh.. which mouse and where?"

Gangsta Dog

Gangsta Dawg

OGS Dogs Blog

Hello! Welcome to the blog which is all about cartoon dogs, which I enjoy creating and hopefully you'll enjoy veiwing.

The idea came from me (Oli Smart - Aged 14). It all started when I was browsing the internet, looking for a cartoon dog to draw, I couldn't find any that interested me so I decided to create my own. I did a few sketches and showed a few of my friends and family, they loved the idea! A few days later I created a T-shirt, yet again, showed them to friends and family, they also loved them, 24 of my friends said they would buy one. So, we enlarged the idea and started creating dogs with a passion, eg. guitardog, punkdog, lazydog and of course - the nerddog!

I've created this blog to show people of my art work, I would much appreciate it if you could give me your ideas on how to develop the cartoons, if so. Please leave your e-mail addreas so we could disscuss this further.

So please, look around, enjoy the dogs, post your comments and feelings.